Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Imba alt ;D

Been playing on Dotfeast (my lock alt) almost every day since i made her, lvl 14 right now and going up fast. Bought the BoA shoulders and staff the same day that I made her and today I bought the BoA chest as well. Had to convert some valor emblems into heroic ones but oh well..I barely need them so.

Soon time to get mount ;D Meaning soon no more running, YAY!


  1. ah, I wanna have those BoA items as well, but dont have enough emblems for them atm. I hope one day lol

  2. u can buy shoulders and a weap (at least) in WG for shards. 200 shards for the shoulders i think and like 350 for staff. they aint as good as the emblems ones but gd enough ^^ i only bought the chest from the emblems vendor
